October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The CPS has given advice on the protection of children against coronavirus

Compliance with the two-meter social race, the ban on touching the face, washing your hands often and shower after walking. These recommendations have been developed by the CPS to protect children from coronavirus infection in the period of the removal of restrictions, said the press service of the Ministry.

“Explain to kids that dirty hands can be a source of infection or disease”, — stated in the message.

The CPS advises to tell children not to touch the face, taking the fingers in his mouth, touching the nose, rubbing the eyes, as are additional factors in the spread of infection.

If you can not abide by social distance, we should walk where there is close contact, to wear masks and gloves to children older than seven years.

“To go with the child to the store or other public places — is to create a situation of additional risk of infection. Children are best left at home, or at least, under the supervision on the Playground,” — said in the message.

After the walk it is recommended not just wash your face and hands with soap and take a shower.

Rospotrebnadzor recalled that children may suffer from COVID-19, according to statistics, the diseased among them less they are much easier to tolerate the disease. While many of them are asymptomatic carriers, so many children coronavirus infection is not diagnosed. Such children are a source of infection more often than adults, who suffer with distinct symptoms.

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