October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Named the minimum validity of the Russian vaccines against coronavirus

Director, National research centre (NRC) of epidemiology and Microbiology named Gamalei Alexander Ginzburg has revealed the minimum period of validity of the Russian vaccine against coronavirus in an interview with the newspaper “Red star”.

As explained Gunzburg, the vaccine is administered twice, as the gene encoding the spike protein of the coronavirus, introduced on different carriers. According to him, this gives you the opportunity to obtain a protective protective immunity extended period of time.

“The person who received the vaccine in the booster version, will be protected from possible infection by the coronavirus, at least for two years”, — said the expert.

Previously also reported that production of the Russian vaccine against coronavirus may begin this fall. It can be used as a therapeutic drug for the treatment of patients with severe forms of the flow COVID-19.

Vaccination Russian anti-coronavirus began on 18 June, she passed on the basis of the Main military clinical hospital of academician Burdenko. The study involved 18 people, which were divided into two groups for the introduction of the different components of the vaccine. As told in the defense Ministry, none of the participants complained about the bad condition they did not reveal side effects and complications.

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