October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Clinics in UK will cancel non-urgent operations due to coronavirus

The national health service in the UK will suspend the conduct in hospitals non-urgent surgery. This will free up medical personnel and 30 thousand seats, which will be required for patients with coronaviruses. All the country has 100 thousand hospital beds.

The restriction will be in effect from April 15 and will last for three months. Patients who did not need urgent hospitalization and surgeries, will be sent home. It will also help to avoid infection COVID-19.

Sir Lawrence Simon Stevens, head of the National health service, said about the need to reduce the burden on hospitals that are struggling with a growing number of cases of infection COVID-19. Free resources will help to sustain the health system during the outbreak of the new coronavirus.

At the meeting of the parliamentary Committee, Sir Simon said that napiwu patients need to prepare strongly and consistently.

If necessary, the validity of these measures will continue after three months. Hospitals can also start to work on the plan until April 15, if the situation with the pandemic will rapidly worsen.

Restrictions do not apply to emergency admissions and treatment of cancer.

At the disposal of the health system received the staff of private medical clinics and their operating and wards for recovery, which will carry out the procedure of the auxiliary artificial lung ventilation using invasive and noninvasive methods.

The total number of diagnosed cases of infection with coronavirus in the UK for the last day increased by 26% and amounted to 1950 people. The death toll has reached 71.

Earlier СoronaVir.ru reported that the number of Chinese deaths from the virus in Germany reached 23 people.

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