October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Chinese scientists announced the statistics of coronavirus

Scientists systematized information about the coronavirus,
collected during the ongoing for three months of the outbreak
diseases in China. It turned out that most of the infected
the symptoms of the disease manifested itself only in the form of light, the report says the local
Center for control and prevention of diseases.

According to statistics, more than 80% of the patients suffered
coronavirus is mild, 14% suffered from a severe form, 5% were in
critical condition. Also, it was found that men suffer more often than
women – 106 vs 100 of cases of infection.

Mortality among men is also higher than among women
A 2.8% to 1.7%. Most often disease ended fatal for
older people – almost 15% of deaths among patients older than 80 years and
only 0.2% among those younger than 50 years. In children the symptoms of the disease not
appear in more than 90% of infections.

In China, according to the Center, it was revealed nearly 80,93 thousand cases recovered 70,42 thousand people, are unable to recover 3.25 thousand people, while the rest continue treatment and are under the supervision of physicians. Accurate data on the number of infected and recovered persons will be known only at the end of the pandemic.

Earlier СoronaVir.ru reported that “China has begun to test a vaccine against the coronavirus”.

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