October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The pediatrician told us how to identify the coronavirus in children

A well-known pediatrician Eugene Komorowski gave a few
tips on how to identify the presence of coronavirus infection in the body
kids. According to the doctor, children are easier to tolerate coronavirus, and the first symptoms
similar to the common cold. Also, the manifestation of infection can be expressed
with vomiting or diarrhoea.

Komarovsky recommends to go with kids in
the hospital for examination when any strange symptoms. Among
other to this it will include fast or slow constriction, fuzzy rhythm
breath, constipation or diarrhea can all talk about getting into children’s
the body of coronavirus.

Children’s doctor with many years of experience recalled that
among young patients fatalities are almost not recorded, in the same
isolated cases. When children died, contributed to some existing
in the body pathology. Earlier, Komorowski gave advice on how to protect yourself from

According to pediatrician, it is necessary to protect mucous
shell, drink plenty of fluids, and in the case of
the symptoms of SARS not to go outside. Also, he advised to reduce the number
tactile contacts and not to visit public places without the need.

Earlier СoronaVir.ru reported that “the Experts explained the low mortality rate from coronavirus in Germany”.

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