October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The scientist told about the mutation of the coronavirus

Major changes in the fashion industry since the advent did not happen, there are only small signals that one of the mutations makes it more contagious than said Skoltech Professor Georgy Bazykin.

According to him, the probability that one of the mutations SARS-CоV-2 increases its ability to spread is about 5%.

“In any case, this effect is weak and it’s not something to worry about… as long as those mutations that occur, the properties of the virus do not change, and that is good news”, — quotes the scientist July 21, “RIA Novosti”.

Bazykin indicated the likelihood of change. In this case, in his opinion, you’ll need to develop a vaccine.

However, to date there is no evidence that the virus is weakening or getting stronger. In the future, it is likely that it will only strengthen the ability to spread from person to person, added the Professor.

Informed Bazykin also said how many zero patients with COVID-19 was in Russia and where they came from.

18 may Professor Ancha Baranova told that spread in Russia, the strain of coronavirus is different from variations in other countries. According to her, in Russia were “Iranian-European” strain.

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