October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The health Ministry of India confirmed that the country is ahead of Russia by the number of infected with coronavirus

The number of identified cases of infection with coronavirus in India has grown over the past day and reached 24 248 697 413. This was reported on Monday the Indian Ministry of health and family welfare on its website.

Thus, the Agency confirmed appeared yesterday in the Indian media reports that the country came in third place in the number of cases in the world, ahead of Russia (681 251 identified cases). For this indicator, India is now second only to the United States and Brazil.

According to the health Ministry of India, the number of deaths from COVID-19 in the country grew over 24 hours on 425 and reached 19 693. In hospitals undergoing treatment 253 287 patients recovered 424 433.

This indicates the Department, constantly increasing in the country and the index of recovery, which was Monday morning 60,85%. Whereas before the figure was 60,81%, and on Wednesday — of 59.51%.

According to experts, the increase in the number of cases is due not least powerful monsoon rains that hit the Western and North-Eastern part of the country, which dramatically worsened the epidemiological situation. In these regions, particularly in the West coast of the Indian subcontinent the metropolis of Mumbai, marked by a jump in the number of infections. In India the period of the monsoon, which runs until September, and doctors warn that the rapid growth of the disease can continue.

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