October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The CPS announced who will start first to vaccinate against coronavirus

On the territory of the Russian Federation first vaccinations against coronavirus infection will be given to the people concerning group of risk. This statement was made for the Agency “Novosti” Anna Popova, who heads the CPS.

According to the head of Department, at the option of the state will go only in case, when to produce a vaccine against coronavirus does not work in large quantities.

“Immediately to produce large quantities of vaccine very difficult. Therefore, if at the first stage it will not be enough, then we will go towards vaccinating those people who are at risk. But as soon as the amount of the drug will increase, then without exception, all citizens will receive it”, — said Popov.

In accordance with the conclusions of physicians, the risk group consists of a fairly large group of people with various health problems. According to the Ministry of health, the greatest risks of Contracting coronavirus infection in people with kidney disease. Statistically, such patients are not only more often sick COVID-19, but also they have higher statistics of lethal outcomes of the disease.

On the territory of Russia has already tested the vaccine for coronavirus. Under the best-case scenario, production could begin in August this year.

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