October 4, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Reveals the connection between risk of infection with coronavirus and genetics

The head of The laboratory of human molecular genetics, Professor, Belgorod state national research University (NRU BelSU) Mikhail Churnosov has revealed in an interview with TASS, the relationship between the risk of infection by coronavirus and human genetics.

According to him, the possibility of Contracting, in particular, depends on individual genetic characteristics. The scientist explained that about 90 percent of human diseases have a genetic nature, to a greater or lesser extent, including predisposition to infectious diseases.

Churnosov explained that angiotensin converting enzyme is a specific enzyme, which the body is supported by water and salt balance, and normal blood pressure. The traces of this enzyme are found in all tissues of the body.

“In this case, blood type is a genetic marker located near the genes”he said, adding that a factor that predisposes to a very severe course of the disease is the presence of severe somatic pathology. For example, the presence of diabetes or obesity.

The specialists of the National health service of the UK concluded that patients who have had coronavirus can suffer from the effects of the infection for the rest of my life. The doctors said that every third patient can develop pulmonary fibrosis, as well as lifelong physical, mental and cognitive disorders.

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