October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

In Ukraine reported on the preparation for the alleviation of the conditions of the quarantine

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Megalam made the message about the beginning of the preparation of the country to the weakening of the quarantine mode. About it informs the press service of the President’s Office. The Prime Minister noted that now is a detailed study of all stages of a gradual exit from the restrictive measures, which Ukraine is now.

Also Shmigel noted that in the country there is a trend of the daily growth in the number slicesize from the coronavirus.

The phased exit from the quarantine, the permission to open food markets, but they must act in full compliance with the requirements to ensure the safety of people. The final decision on the resumption of food markets host local authorities.

Also, the Ukrainian Prime Minister said about the dangers that can bring the may holidays, as this period can be unsafe congestion of people. To avoid such a situation, the police tasked with patrolling places where they can entertain people, thereby violating the conditions of quarantine.

It should be noted that Ukraine carries the pandemic coronavirus infection unchallenged. The total number of infected by the disease in the country is more than 10 thousand people.

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