October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

In Russia, for the day identified infected with the coronavirus 7933

As of may 1, 2020 the Russian Federation the total number of infected by the coronavirus during the entire period of a pandemic is 114 431. Such figures voiced by the Federal operational headquarters.

The previous day the number of infected coronavirus infection is 7933 people. The disease was detected in the territory of the 85 regions of the country. Among the leaders in the number of infections is St. Petersburg (349), the suburbs (797) and Moscow (3561).

According to the operational headquarters, at 44.5% of people with discovered COVID-19, the disease occurs without any symptoms. Such patients based on doctors ‘ decision sent to quarantine at home.

Unfortunately the operational headquarters also published data regarding fatal cases of the disease. To date, the total number of deaths amounted to 1169 people. Only in the last day there were 96 deaths.

In many regions of the Russian Federation introduced a serious restrictive measures to curb the spread of the pandemic.

Now in the whole world the total number of infected coronavirus infection is 3,2 million people.

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