October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Announced a new way to transfer COVID-19

Became aware of the fact that the transmission of coronavirus infection is possible through the tear fluid. This conclusion was made by scientists from Johns Hopkins University, after the series of studies. The results of their work, scientists put on the pages of a specialized journal Biorxiv.org.

Researchers report that because of the special structure of the surface of the human eye, there may be delayed COVID-19, in natural “tanks”. All thanks to the presence of protein ASE-2, through it is human body coronavirus infection.

If the cells of the eye delayed coronavirus and penetrates into them, then the person becomes a carrier COVID-19. As stated in the report, further transmission of the disease occurs through the tears of an infected person.

Researchers noted one important point. If the overall test shows the absence of coronavirus in the body after the smear is made in the nose, making sampling in the eye, you can get a positive test result.

Prior to this, scientists had a few confirmed types of fungal infection. First, it is transmitted through different objects, and secondly, by airborne droplets. Also, the coronavirus is capable of on the surface of the coat of a pet.

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