October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Whether to wear a mask on the street or during exercise? Responsible cardiologist

Coronavirus continues to spread in Russia for more than 80 thousand cases of infection. If we close the nose and mouth during exercise, the respiratory exchange hampered. “The quality of training will deteriorate very quickly. At some point, even a very athletic person who breathes too quickly, you may experience acid-base disorders. Possible headache, tachycardia, shortness of breath,” says Professor Dr. Michael Sadowski, specialist in cardiology at the Medical University of Warsaw.


Because of the threat of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 we have to cover nose and mouth while in public places. Many people use disposable medical masks. How long this mask performs its protective function?


Since the beginning of the epidemic of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 I was a supporter of the broad and widespread wearing of masks in public places, and it is good that we all have that responsibility. When using a disposable mask, fleece indoors, for example in the office, we need to replace it with a new mask at least every half hour. To walk, go to the store for a maximum of every 2 hours. It should be remembered that dirty, wet mask will not perform its function, and even become a breeding ground for microorganisms.


While walking I saw the runners train intensively in masks. With me went the rider, his face was tightly covered. Is it harmful to exercise in the mask for your health?


This, of course, risky, and, as a cardiologist, I can’t recommend these practices for many reasons. First of all, when you exercise in the mask, she quickly gets wet and instead of protecting against infection increases the risk, which I mentioned earlier. Although we meet with someone during routine activities, such as visiting the post office, a public bus ride or a walk, we don’t come into contact with people who run around alone in the woods or in the Park, which is associated with the nature of the sport. The same is true for a single bike. Therefore, performing a single exercise, we are not a threat to others, and we also don’t get infected.


See also: how to breathe properly with the mask on


Another point: even in generally healthy person, if he/she closes his nose and mouth during exercise, makes breathing difficult. And efficiency of the body very quickly deteriorate. At some stage, even for a very athletic person who breathes too quickly, the acid-alkaline balance of the body can be broken. You can feel headache, tachycardia (rapid pulse), shortness of breath.


A theory that running in the mask is a form of exercise in hypoxia. Is it really so?



Absolutely not. Hypoxia Training requires certain conditions coming for a long time at high altitude where oxygen concentration in the air is lower than at sea level. This leads to the fact that the athlete’s body stimulates the production of red blood cells increases the hemoglobin concentration, which transportorul oxygen, and raises the efficiency of the body. Hypoxia induced by exercise in the mask, such effects will not bring. It does not help in improving the efficiency, and may even hinder learning and harm.


What about rehabilitation of patients after heart attacks or other cardiac diseases, for which, even without a mask, physical effort often are much more difficult than for healthy people?


Cover the mouth and nose in such a situation would further burden the circulatory and respiratory systems. Even faster and even more than a healthy person. For example: in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation it can cause arrhythmia. Any exercises that are recommended for secondary prevention, it is better to perform without a mask, especially if you do not communicate with other people during training or rehabilitation.

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