October 4, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Trump was disappointed in China because of the pandemic coronavirus

On Tuesday, may 19, U.S. President Donald trump made a statement of disappointment with China on the cause of the spread of coronavirus. The us leader said this during his communication with journalists, reports TASS.

Trump is surprised by the fact that coronavirus infection from Wuhan did not spread throughout China, and appeared in other countries.

“Why Chinese authorities have not allowed us to help them, not letting our experts. It is for this reason I was very disappointed in China”, — said the American President.

When one reporter asked trump about the possibility of taking retaliatory measures against Beijing, the US President said that now is not a question of “retaliation”.

Coronavirus infection has made a serious split between the United States and China. So Donald trump may 14 initiated the termination of relations with Beijing. According to the American President, if you take this step, the country will save $ 500 billion.

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