October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The number of survivors from the coronavirus in the world exceeded nine million

The total number of infected CoViD-19 beginning of the epidemic is more than 15.7 million.

In the world for all time of a pandemic coronavirus 9 043 205 patients were able to overcome the disease. This is evidenced by the American Johns Hopkins University that summarizes the statistics of the Federal and local authorities, as well as media and other open sources.

The greatest number recovered from CoViD-19 recorded in Brazil (1 693 214), where the total number of cases of coronavirus is 2 287 475. On the second place by quantity of recovered settled the United States, where the fight against the disease managed 1 262 624 patients from 529 4 112 sick all the time.

Closes the three countries India, where 337 1 024 cases of coronavirus 849 432 over recovery. Russia in this list took the fourth place — 587 728 recovered from CoViD-19 799 499 reported cases.

At any time since the beginning of the epidemic in the world of coronavirus infection identified in 15 736 813.Earlier life reported that, according to the who, over the past day the number of new cases CoViD-19 in the world was the highest during the whole period of the pandemic.

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