October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The number infected with the coronavirus Russia surpassed Iran

Based on recent data on the number of people infected with coronavirus infection in the world, Russia occupies the eighth place, beating such a state as Iran. This confirms the statistical information provided by the Russian operational headquarters, it also coincides with the data of the American Johns Hopkins University.

As of April 28, in the Russian Federation the total number of people infected with coronavirus is more than 93 thousand people. On the same date in Iran, the number of infected more than 91 thousand.

Informed by the number of infected Russia has overtaken China, which is now 84 thousand people infected with coronavirus infection.

Ahead on the same line as Russia takes the seventh place Turkey, she has 112 thousand people for all the time of a pandemic was infected on coronavirus infection. And tops the list in the number of cases of coronavirus United States of America. In this North American country a figure approaching a million 988 thousand infected.

In Russia, the third consecutive day, the daily gain of infected COVID-19 is more than 6 thousand people. Among Russian cities in number of cases of the coronavirus remains of the city of Moscow.

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