October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The Ministry of health has called the most vulnerable to coronavirus categories of Russians

The Ministry of health of Russia has listed the categories of Russians
who is most susceptible to coronavirus, therefore, should be as
careful. We are talking about people who already have some diseases, on the background
which can be fatal coronavirus infection.

The Agency recommends to protect yourself to anyone
disease autoimmune character, especially for patients
rheumatoid arthritis and multiple MS. Prohibited contacts with other
people them and all who have recently undergone organ transplants.

At greater risk are patients
assigned and chemotherapy is immunosuppressive, that is, those who have
cancer. Earlier in the Ministry of health has prepared a memo for individuals older than 60 years.
The elderly also do not suggest being in places with large concentrations of people.

All should not violate the rules of hygiene,
to reduce contacts to the necessary and for every ailment from
to turn to doctors. Who specified that citizens suffering from heart
disease, diabetes or asthma risk more than others.

Earlier СoronaVir.ru reported that “the Patriarch sees the coronavirus reason to turn to God.”

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