October 4, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The CPS said that what distinguishes the flu from coronavirus

Tatiana are grateful to the rosary, lead by the Central Institute of epidemiology Department of clinical studies, this explanation of what distinguishes the flu from a coronavirus infection and how they affect the human body. This is the explanation she gave in an interview for the TV channel “360”.

As reported Regentova, and influenza and coronavirus is an acute respiratory viruses. But if the first attacks the upper respiratory tract, then COVID-19 has a light, causing much suffering to their capillaries.

Such impact on the human body explains why coronavirus infection long incubation period, but the disease is more prolonged in comparison with the regular flu.

Yet COVID-19 have the opportunity in the patient’s condition to provoke a change.

“One of the main hazards coronavirus infection is the ability to dramatically worsen the state of human health” — said Rozhentsova.

Also if in a confined space for COVID-19 there are favorable conditions, it is capable of long time to maintain their livelihoods. As a result, for a person that is a big danger due to the possibility of infection.

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