October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Scientists have found children are the most dangerous spreaders of coronavirus

A group of scientists from Britain, Germany and Norway believes that children under the age of 6 years can be the most dangerous distributors of coronavirus. Write about this “the Guardian” with reference to the assumption of the German research centre for infections.

Scientists have found that a third of all carriers of the coronavirus to 6 can transmit the disease to others. While children tend to break the rules wear protective equipment. In addition, they often play on the floor and “taste” different things. The situation is further complicated by the fact that children often get sick without symptoms. The combination of these factors has prompted researchers are of the opinion that children are the most dangerous category of distributors COVID-19.

If the child was infected by the coronavirus and become a carrier, it is probably inevitable infection of all vulnerable to the virus family members, says the head of the group of integrated bioanalytical systems Institute X-BIO TSU Dmitry Andreev.

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