October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Scientists: characteristics of the immune system kids allow them to better cope with coronavirus

At a young age the body is much easier to tolerate disease caused by COVID-19, and actively opposes various kinds of complications provoked by this virus. To such conclusion scientists of the Medical school of the University of Texas at San Antonio (USA), analyzed the clinical picture of the disease of children and adolescents with coronavirus during the period from 24 January to 14 may 2020. The researchers report published in the portal EClinicalMedicine the British medical journal Lancet.

Promising statistics

Summarizing the data provided by colleagues from the clinics of several continents, and based on our own statistics, the researchers drew attention to the fact that approximately 19% of children infected with coronavirus, the disease is asymptomatic. 21% of patients had traces of damage to the lung tissue, and 5.6% of patients suffered concomitant infectious diseases such as flu and colds. In the intensive care unit because of severe state received 3.3% of infected COVID-19. Of all surveyed 7 780 children died on the 7th.

In the course of studying of children which confirmed the presence of coronavirus, we have focused on the intricacies of the clinical picture of the disease, clarified and detailed the results of laboratory studies, sought to give the most accurate picture of the flow of this insidious infectious disease, “—said the study’s lead author associate Professor Department of Pediatrics University of Texas Alvaro Moreira (Alvaro Moreira).

According to Moreira, a lot of attention scholars have paid to the treatment of patients, they closely monitor the therapeutic effect of drugs prescribed for ill.

Was also selected group of patients, the management and treatment which met the criteria of the Us centers for disease control and prevention, the report noted.

The clinical picture of cases of coronavirus was dominant, as in adults, fever and cough, according to the work. They found, respectively, 59% and 56% of children.

In 233 children out of the total number examined, were observed in anamnesis frequent colds, 152 have revealed a weak immune system, heart and respiratory diseases.

Although we had heard about severe forms of the coronavirus in children, according to our study, such cases were extremely rare, “—says the scientist.

Severe complications were present

In children with systemic inflammatory process significantly — up to 11% — decreased number of lymphocytes in the blood, while in children with coronavirus with asymptomatic course of the disease, there were 41%, indicating a significant decrease in immunity in the first group, “says Moreira.

9 patients had renal failure, the same number was with hepatic insufficiency.

Artificial ventilation was necessary in 42 patients.

Thus the study showed that children and teenagers are much more resistant to the aggressive action of coronavirus, said the scientist. He is convinced that further study of the peculiarities of confrontation COVID-19 protective forces of an organism of children will identify features that may help to develop therapeutic mechanisms of care to the adult population.

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