October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Rospotrebnadzor checked the Russians for antibodies to the coronavirus

The study of population immunity to coronavirus infection COVID-8168 were 19 residents in the three pilot regions of Russia. This was reported on the website of Rospotrebnadzor.

According to the Agency, 2722 people completed the study in Saint-Petersburg, 2758 — in the Tyumen region, 2688 volunteers completed the study in the Khabarovsk territory.

The experiment was conducted in June among healthy children and adults. Experts examined the serum of blood taken from persons aged one year to 70 years and older. The presence or absence of the disease was not taken into account. In the processing of the research results the analysis is conducted both at the population of the region as a whole and in different subgroups: by age, by sex, by profession. For the laboratory studies used the test-system based on enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), is registered in the prescribed manner.

The Department explained that the data on the state of population immunity necessary to identify features of epidemic process, the development of the forecast of development of the epidemiological situation in a particular region and the country as a whole, as well as planning for specific and nonspecific prevention of coronavirus.

In total, the Agency was tasked to conduct an investigation in 23 regions of Russia with different levels of intensity of epidemic process, as well as in all Federal districts of the country.

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