October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Murashko said that vaccination against coronavirus is voluntary

Vaccination against coronavirus in Russia will be voluntary, said the Minister of health of Michael Murashko, the TV channel “Russia 1”.

“We see that the interest of the population is very high,” he said.

According to Murashko, vaccination will be phased. The first drug given to those who are often faced with the infection, in particular, medical professionals.

The Minister stressed that the epidemiological situation in different regions. In total, the country in intensive care units are 3100 people. While in Moscow, for example, the incidence of COVID-19 is on the decline, the city formed the population immunity. Before mayor Sergei Sobyanin noted that vaccination in the capital will be free.

Murashko told the Russians to do to fall a couple of vaccinations.

“Influenza vaccination is also a mandatory element for a peaceful passing from this period, including can recommend, outside of the framework of the national vaccination calendar, vaccination against pneumococcus, the vaccine works for up to five years, so you can do it today, in preparation for the season,” he explained.

The head of The Ministry of health has reminded that now in Russia is done to test one of the vaccines.

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