October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Indian wedding infected with coronavirus and 100 people died

Indian at his own wedding was infected with coronavirus 100 people died in two days. According to The Indian Express, the celebration became the biggest source of infection in the state of Bihar.

Wedding, groom, which was a 30-year-old man was held on 14 June in the town of Aliganj in the district of Patna. There an Indian came out of Gurgaon near the capital new Delhi, where he worked.

As reported, initially, the man felt healthy, however the day of the wedding he had a fever. He insisted on the postponement of the event, however, the heads of both families were against this idea due to huge financial losses. Relatives were convinced that in their rural areas, the emergence of a coronavirus is almost impossible. In the end, the wedding was held on the appointed day, attended by more than 350 guests.

Two days after the ceremony the condition of the men worsened. Relatives took him to the hospital, but he died along the way. He was was cremated without conducting tests. Then someone reported the incident to the authorities. In the end, all guests were tested for coronavirus: a positive test was at about 100 people, some of them infected and others.

In Bihar a total of nearly 10 thousand people infected, of which nearly 80 percent had recovered. In General, in India the number of people infected with coronavirus has exceeded 600 thousand people, of them died of 17.8 thousand.

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