October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

In the UK announced who is at greater risk of dying from coronavirus infection

Depending on ethnicity, the risk of dying from coronavirus infection can be higher, this was stated by British researchers. Scientists from the Institute for IFS (Institute for Fiscal studies) have obtained such results in the course of their research.

According to the statistics, the researchers claim that in the territory of the United Kingdom often die from coronavirus black British — have roots from countries located in the Caribbean region.

When compared with the mortality among the white population of England came from the Caribbean from coronavirus infection die three times as often. Two times higher mortality among black Britons who contracted COVID-19.

Such a situation scientists from the IFS to explain the sociological factors of their well-being or General condition.

According to British scientists, the mortality rate among people influenced by such factors as the number of residents in the locality and the geographical location of the region. At risk have and those people whose age is above 50 years and who have other chronic diseases.

Today in the UK total number of infected COVID-19 is more than 171 thousand people.

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