October 4, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

In SPb 250 infected are medical workers

Today the head of the
the interagency working group on anti-COVID-19 in St. Petersburg Evgeny Shlyakhto said
about what among all the infected with a Chinese virus in the city’s 250 employees
the medical sphere.

Shlyakhto said that the authorities were not prepared for the fact that some others will fail hospitals. The health workers who from the beginning of infection did not have a proper experience of treatment of patients with COVID-19, and was not ready for such a situation, we began to do EN masse to become infected with the disease. In addition, the situation is complicated by the fact that the doctors within their families until the establishment of limitations on part-time, worked in different hospitals and spread the virus. Shlyakhto said that at the moment the issue of the protection of physicians has become critically important as the number of patients doctors is increasing and soon there will be nobody to treat infected. In his opinion, to normalize the situation in St. Petersburg, strict discipline that would not allow the infection to spread through the city.

Earlier СoronaVir.ru reported that “10 More cases of infection registered in the Crimea.”

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