October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

In China declare that the pandemic coronavirus in the country ended

Li Keqiang, who is in China as Prime Minister of the state Council, made the statement that on the territory of his country did not end the pandemic coronavirus infection. As a result, the Chinese authorities intend to redouble their efforts in the fight against the disease to minimize losses among the population.

“It is still impossible to talk about ending the epidemic, it continues. In light of this, we are facing enormous challenges that need to be addressed in the near future”, — said the Prime Minister.

According to Keqiang, recently China has achieved significant results in the fight against coronavirus infection and an important role was played by the actions of the citizens of the country. The official stressed that despite obstacles in the form of a pandemic, the country and then moves to a planned course in order to complete its tasks.

In his report, Premier Wen noted that the Chinese medical system had not encountered such fast-spreading virus. For all time of existence of the PRC, power and medicine of the country before these calls were not. For all the time of a pandemic in China, there COVID-19 have been infected more than 80 thousand people.

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