October 5, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Doctors said the reasons for the emergence of strong immunity to the coronavirus

In mild or severe coronavirus infection in the body may not have developed immunity to the virus. This statement was made by the doctor of medical Sciences Anton Ershov — Professor of the First MGMU them.Sechenov, during his interview for “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.

As said the scientist, if the body is mild course of the disease, development of antibodies does not occur due to the lack of the required number of coronavirus infection.

“Though the body and contracted the coronavirus, but the amount is so small that the immune system simply did not take the threat as serious, so the antibodies have not developed,” — said Yershov.

If there is severe leakage COVID-19, the body due to protein deficiency also can not form antibodies.

“Severe disease causes the body serious stress. As a result, all the effort spent not to protect in the future from re-infection, and to keep up vitality in the body,” said the Professor.

The scientist believes that only the average severity of illness is able to give impetus to the development of immunity. And when you are not using excessive medication.

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