October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus: myths, prevention and treatment

Coronavirus has put people all over the world to the brink. The current situation is aggravated by by a surge of publications in social networks that contain false rumors about the virus. January 30, Facebook announced that it will remove the content with conspiracy theories and unproven information about the coronavirus with its platform.

In the opinion of the health centres in many countries, the key to halting the spread of coronavirus are good hygiene and preventive habits. The best advice is similar to that recommended during flu season: wash hands several times a day, to avoid touching of the mouth and face, and limit contact with sick people.

As is often the case, emergency situation contributes to the emergence of myths. And the outbreak of the disease more distance and different kinds of blank (sometimes even harmful) advice for their prevention. In order to maintain your health and the health of loved ones, it is important not only to observe reliable precautions, but also to be familiar with the false rumors, misleading. Below are some of the myths associated with the coronavirus.

Large doses of vitamins help in the prevention of coronavirus infection

Although vitamins take part in the normal functioning of the body (for example, vitamin D promotes immune support), vitamin supplements are not the key to success in the prevention of coronavirus. In addition, excessive intake of vitamins can lead to another extreme – to hypervitaminosis, which manifests a whole range of negative phenomena. Therefore, when deciding about prophylactic intake of a vitamin or a vitamin complex you need to consult first with a specialist or to get tested.

Warm or cold weather can stop the “Wuhan virus”

Earlier this month, President trump suggested that warm weather, which comes during the spring season may prevent the outbreak.

On Twitter, the who warned citizens not to expect a warm or cool climate for the destruction of the virus, since 2019-nCoV spread to countries with hot and humid climate or cold and dry.

Pets can be carriers of the disease

It is true that dogs, cats and other animals have their own types of coronavirus. However, they are not pathogenic for humans.

There is no need to wear a mask on your furry friend. The world health organization (who) reports that there is no evidence that the coronavirus can infect Pets, such as dogs and cats.

Drink Miracle Mineral Solution will protect you from coronavirus

Some users of the social networks touting the Miracle Solution as a means to help literally from everything: from autism and ending HIV. Management under the control over products and medicines (FDA) has denied the allegation.

Is there any truth behind the new rumors that the drink solution will kill the coronavirus ?

“Use odd drink will not hurt you to get an infection,” said Dr. Romero, a specialist in infectious diseases at the Medical center at Providence Saint John’s in Santa Monica, California.

Miracle Mineral Solution (and similar products) contain sodium chlorite, which becomes bleach when mixed with citric acid.

If you want to drink diluted bleach, you will have a pathology of the esophagus. The virus infects humans by penetrating the body through the respiratory tract, not through the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the use of this fluid may cause diarrhea, severe vomiting and, as a consequence, dehydration with low blood pressure.

Antibiotics can prevent or treat the new coronavirus

Antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses, and this means that they do not get any benefit from the coronavirus. In fact, they can do more harm.

People who take antibiotics unnecessarily, ironically at a higher risk of infections and problems with immunity. Studies show that the use of antibiotics outside the prescriptions of doctors promotes the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, making treatment with these preparations inert in the case of bacterial infection. Unnecessary use of these drugs can destroy the good germs that help fight bad: antibiotics kill beneficial bacteria in the intestines that really help to boost our immunity.

How is the treatment of the disease?

Currently there is no specific treatment for coronavirus infection. Most treatment methods are symptomatic. This is mainly respiratory support, as well as detoxification therapy, which consists in intravenous introduction of large amounts of fluid and nutrients. But of course, it all depends on how serious is the disease.

Vaccines, such as DNA vaccines, vaccines based on viral vectors, live attenuated viruses, recombinant proteins, inactive viruses were tested only in animals, but not in patients.

Antiviral drugs such as those aimed at viral proteins (S protein, polymerase, protease and Mtase), was not effective in clinical trials. Similarly, recombinant interferon-IFN with ribavirin is not very effective in the treatment of infection.

Coronavirus infection can be prevented by observing the rules of hygiene. The following is a list of preventive measures:

Wash your hands after the street or communicating with people.

Avoid eating raw meat or contact with other food. Be sure to wash thoroughly and cook meat and eggs.

When coughing or sneezing always cover your nose and mouth.

Avoid travelling to reduce contact with potentially infected people.

Try to avoid places of a mass congestion of people.

If you still have to find people in a confined space, for example on the plane, use the N95 mask.

Contact your doctor if symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath. They are one of the first occur during coronavirus infection.

Timely diagnosis is effective in controlling the spread of the disease.

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