October 4, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus faces a lifetime of physical and mental disorders

Every third patient who had recovered from coronavirus, may the rest of your life to suffer lung damage, chronic fatigue and psychological disorders. To such conclusion experts of the National health service in the UK, reports The Daily Telegraph.

According to the study, 30% recover from coronavirus infection can later develop pulmonary fibrosis. This is a disease in which the light forms scar tissue that leads to disruption of respiratory function and diminished blood oxygen saturation.

Half of the survivors may experience physical, cognitive and psychological impairments are, and about 70% may suffer from delusional disorder. Every tenth patient revealed an acute lesion of the heart.

According to scientists, there is also evidence that coronavirus can cause brain damage that can later lead to Alzheimer’s disease.

That COVID-19 threatens the human body serious consequences, in April, said Russian scientists. They found that infected can cause serious brain damage, said scientist-a virologist at the Russian Academy of Sciences Ershov Felix. As influenza viruses and herpes, coronavirus can lead to the death of whole sections of the body and weakens the immune system, he said.

According to the Johns Hopkins University, in the world of coronavirus infection was diagnosed in more than 9.2 million people. Of them died 476,9 thousand

In Russia since the beginning of the epidemic revealed more than 599 thousand cases of infection with coronavirus. Died 8359 people, recovered more 356,4 thousand

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