October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Chinese scientists have warned about the crash in immunity after COVID-19

Coronavirus infection causes long-lasting disruptions in the immune system recover from. Such conclusions were made by Scientists from the Institute of Virology of the Chinese city of Wuhan. Preprint published on the website medRxiv.

Scientists have studied the health of 55 patients of different age and sex, which already had COVID-19. They found they have lower levels of lymphocytes — blood cells. responsible for the immunity.

Lymphocytes did not recover even after 11 weeks after recovery. According to the authors of the article, it speaks about a strong influence of the virus SARS-CoV-2 on blood cells and potential violations of the immune system.

According to “the Guardian”, the Russian scientists confirm that coronavirus infection can lead to a decrease in lymphocytes. However, as stated by a Junior researcher of the laboratory of experimental surgery and Oncology of the Kursk state medical University David Naimzada, the loss mechanisms of these cells is still poorly understood.

Head of the laboratory of genomic engineering MIPT Pavel Volchkov said that after the coronavirus that causes dysfunction of the immune system can be long, but it is still reversible.

Deputy Director for scientific work of IFHE RAS Oleg Batishchev explained to the publication that COVID-19 though and can cause a temporary loss of immunity but cannot cause HIV or AIDS. “None of the coronaviruses in contrast, HIV is unable to replicate in immune cells”, — said Batishchev.

Earlier in July, Professor, University medical centre charité and Harvard University Tobias Kurt reported that coronavirus infection is causing her ill consequences, which are not held for a long time.

Kurt noted that complications, including persistent symptoms COVID-19, observed in young patients who had not experienced health problems. “We know that the virus affects multiple organs, but can’t say for sure whether its chronic consequences, or they will disappear with time”, — said the scientist.

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