October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Butchers told us how to avoid the heavy flow of coronavirus

Doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov has listed the steps which will help prevent severe disease when infected with coronavirus.

He urged his followers to quit Smoking and lose weight, reminding yourself that Smoking and overweight are risk factors. Miasnikov suggested that a healthy low-calorie food, as it reduces the risks of diabetes, also affect the course of the disease when infected with coronavirus.

The presenter pointed to the need for hardening and physical exertion, which are the most powerful factors of strengthening the immune system. He also asked people to monitor their blood pressure, to get vaccinated against influenza and vaccinated against coronavirus, as soon as the relevant drug.

In the post in a Telegram, the specialist noted that the effort is not wasted, if CoViD-19 will bypass those who will listen to his recommendations. According to Myasnikov, its tips also help prevent heart disease (stroke and heart attack) and cancer.

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