October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The who reported that less than 10% of people suffered a coronavirus

Only about 10% of people suffered an infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus. This was stated Monday at a briefing Advisor to the world health organization (who) Maria van Kerkhove.

According to her, currently, on the subject of resistance to coronavirus conducted many studies and published many reports around the world, who carefully studied the who.

“Most studies show that less than 10% of people are seropositive, that is, at some point was infected, — said van Kerkhove. — Health workers were more susceptible to infection, so in this category, the figures are higher”.

Outbreak caused by a novel coronavirus, the disease was recorded in the end of 2019 in Central China, has spread to most countries and 11 March were recognized by the who as a pandemic.

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