October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

The first symptoms of the coronavirus in humans and the first signs COVID-19

It is considered that the main symptom of coronavirus is a Chinese cough. Of course he has, but it is not the only symptom.

Chinese doctors report that the infected may not
you have no pronounced symptoms. At the same time, some of
patients in the early stages felt nauseam and suffered from the disorder
stomach. They also felt a tightness in my chest and headaches. In addition
fact, infected complained of fatigue and weakness as well as
the appearance of conjunctivitis.

As a result of the analysis of data on new cases of infection is established following the first major symptoms of the new coronavirus Chinese COVID-19:

  • lose
    – dyspnea, dry cough, runny nose and rhinitis, bronchitis,
  • pain
    – cephalalgia, myalgia, aching joints, weakness, apathy, abdominal pain;
  • common
    – lethargy, decreased activity and performance, the lack
    in the chest, fever, rapid heartbeat and high fever;
  • problems
    with the digestive system
    – nauseam and vomiting, diarrhea, upset
    digestion, resembling intestinal flu, adenovirus.

It is noted that in some cases have not infected
there was high temperature, and to establish the presence of Chinese coronavirus
it was possible only after additional examination.

Photo — reuters

It should be remembered that the incubation period from time of infection until the first symptoms of the disease – from 1 day to two weeks. Despite the fact that at this time the virus does not manifest itself, the person is a carrier of disease and a danger to others.

In connection with the active spread of the coronavirus worldwide, the specialists gave recommendations to the Russians on priority actions for suspected infection.

The Ministry of healthcare has developed its own training manual, and is able to recognise the first symptoms of infection. In almost all cases, infected, increased body temperature accompanied by a dry cough or a cough with small amount of sputum. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by shortness of breath. Other symptoms include fever, breathing problems, convulsions.

Previously, the CPS has published guidelines for the prevention of coronavirus.

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