October 7, 2021


Coronavirus COVID-19

Doctor butcher predicted the degeneration of the coronavirus in acute respiratory infections

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov is convinced that there is no second wave of the coronavirus will not. His point, he announced on Wednesday, August 5th.

News from the media, he says, the growth of the victims of the pandemic in Brazil, new cases in Germany – it says still on the first wave. The specialist explained that the nature of the disease is such that appearing on the planet one day, the virus will remain here forever.

“I don’t know, as with the epidemic, and the media, the second wave is exactly the rising. Why? I do not know. Because there’s no 2nd wave. As has been rightly said: “this is not the second wave, it’s still the first.” The nature of The novel coronavirus is such that coming to us in human population, he is with us and will remain forever. The infection behaves according to the type of the peat fire, quietly smoldering and periodically bursting out,” — said Myasnikov.

He also did not exclude that in the future coronavirus degenerate into banal ORZ. In Moscow or new York, where Covid-19 has hit hardest, pronounced outbreaks will be gone, he said. He predicted only stable to slight growth recovered in the form of light. He suggested that 20-25% had been ill enough to have developed “herd” immunity.

“Then why all this discharge? It’s more like destructive inciting panic. People are not afraid of the second wave of the disease as such, all polls do not want to re-quarantine measures. Again I repeat: terrified man – a weak man! Easy target for the virus. Let’s take care of each other!”, called butchers.

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